
The Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Engineering is composed of the two Chairs "Chair of Hydraulic Engineering" and "Chair of Engineering Hydrology and Water Management".


The chair holders

  Name Working area(s) Contact
Prof. Boris Lehmann picture
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Boris Lehmann
Head of the Department of Hydraulic Engineering
+49 6151 16-21165
L5|01 310
Prof. Dr. habil. Britta Schmalz
Head of the Chair of Engineering Hydrology and Water Management
+49 6151 16-20868
L5|01 311

Common roots

At the beginning, the institute covered the subjects of hydraulic engineering, hydromechanics, hydraulics and hydrology. In the early 2000s, hydromechanics moved to mechanical engineering. In the context, the two areas “Hydraulic Engineering and Hydraulics” and “Hydrology and Water Resources Management” formed independent disciplines, which today operate under the umbrella of the joint Institute of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering.

Today, the institute is headed by Prof. Boris Lehmann as chair in the Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Hydraulics and by Prof. Britta Schmalz, who is head of the Department of Engineering Hydrology and Water Resources Management.

Chronological overview of professorships and chair holders
Chronological overview of professorships and chair holders

More information

Picture: pixabay

"Hydraulic Engineering, Water Management and Hydraulics"

The course “Wasserbau, Wasserwirtschaft und Hydraulik” has now been organized together for many years and will be replaced by “Grundlagen der Rohr- und Gerinnehydraulik” and “Grundlagen der Hydrologie” with the new examination regulations of 2021.

Course description

Logo des IWW-Fördervereins
Picture: IWW

IWW-Support association

The “Verein zur Förderung des Instituts für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft der Technischen Universität Darmstadt e.V.” supports the IWW in research and teaching.

About the support